Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Games”
How About Gitea?
The previous post is a fun and non-rigorous dive into automating the deployment of a Godot project to from GitHub and GitLab. The obvious follow up question is: What about Gitea?
But I have a homelab Everyone does… stop bragging. You can also deploy to from a homelab.
GitLab can be fired up in a container, and it’s great! I took some time to check out Gitea as a light weight alternative, and I have to admit it has started to win me over.
Devops for Indie Games
I’d like to acknowledging a preference for GitLab over GitHub. Obviously GitHub is the popular choice, but I have a soft spot for the underdog… especially the open source optionally self-hosted underdog.
My evidence is anecdotal, but Github Actions is a gentle learning curve compared to GitLab’s CI. It could be because I learned GitLab first and had new concepts to wrap the ol brain round. The option to use other people’s reusable elements in GitHub is sweet.
Room Changing With Phaser 3 and Tiled
I decided to dive into Phaser 3 and Tiled with my next game project. I was looking to make a room change similar to Link to the Past (the SNES Zelda). The implementation is simple and the result was pleasing so I wanted to share.
Playable demo!
I’ve used Tiled a little in the past but this is the first excuse I’ve really had to dive in to it. If you’re not familiar with Tiled, there are a million ways to learn more.
Viking Dungeon - Some Sort of Game
A short post about a game I made about a year ago for a class at the University of North Texas, CSCE 4210: Game Programming 1. I took the class because I heard the professor, Dr. Ian Parberry, was good at teaching game design and was an interesting fellow (I heard right on both counts).
I cannot claim all credit for this game because I worked with a partner. He was awesome and the only reason I don’t mention him by name is because I didn’t tell him I uploaded this and no longer have his contact info.
Sudoku From the Other Side
I do love Sudoku, and I play it too much. Not long ago (before this semester started kicking my butt) there were two things I wanted to play with: Local Storage and a Sudoku library.
This is what I came up with:
I also play in pen because I’m a glutton for punishment.
I didn’t use a library for local storage, for some reason I wanted to do it the hard way.
Just Another Tetris Clone
Despite WildStar’s critical hit on my free time this past month, I’ve managed to code a little. Let me introduce both of my blog readers to the buggiest and most poorly coded version of Tetris they’ve ever seen.
Someone sucks at Tetris
Don’t ask why it’s called Flipsy. That was just the name of the folder when I started and I didn’t bother to change it.
I did follow the Tetris guidelines to the best of my coding ability.
Ultima VII Party Planner
In an effort to learn more about backbone.js I made a web application that is easily considered beautifully useless (beauty in the eye of the beholder, useless in the eye of everyone else). Really, this is probably one of the finest work of code writing I’ve accomplished to date and there are maybe ten people in the world who will use it.
There is plenty of room for improvements, but I’d like to write about it anyway.